The ultimate tool
for building in
the Web3 era
The challenge
This is one of the most complex websites we have ever built. The difficulty was not only in the fact that it should have become an award winning website, but also in the fact that the field of activity is very specific and difficult to present.
The client came to us with a fairly clear vision and detailed description. The problem was visualizing the idea. We had to completely rebrand the company and reach a wide audience with the new website.

Product goals
and objectives
Product goals
and objectives
Magma is a Web3 platform for all real estate stakeholders, which provides users with the ability to manage interactions between physical and digital assets through unique, and collectively generated, 3D representations of their buildings.
Magma uses blockchain technology to record essential data, which enables transparent, traceable, and immutable streams of information to be readily accessible to its users. Magma smart contracts are built with this blockchain data to expedite tasks like requests for proposals, lease agreements, and services arrangements.

Real estate and
the Web3 Revolution
Technology stack
Magma project is based on our regular technology stack, which we use for all of our projects. It includes our internal Bona framework, the GSAP library for animations, ScrollTrigger for the creation of scroll-based animations, and the SmoothScroll library.
web design

CMS Wordpress
and control panel

Site of the Day
Awwwards & FWA

from client
Thanks to the Cuberto team for their professionalism and collaboration. We contacted Cuberto for a website creation and we are pleased of the work that has been done. Strongly recommended!